“Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, for he has looked favorably on his people and redeemed them.”

 – Luke 1:68

As we move through the final days of this season of Advent, we continue to prepare our hearts and lives while we wait to celebrate once again the coming of Jesus Christ. This season of Advent is unique. The fourth Sunday of Advent is also Christmas Eve. We will experience both in our worship service on December 24.

As Christmas Eve draws near, I’ve been reflecting on my memories of Christmas. I have many good memories over the years. Remembering brings gratitude and joy to my heart. All my Christmas memories have two things in common: Christmas Eve worship and family.

Christmas Eve Worship

Throughout my lifetime, I have attended Christmas Eve worship. Memories of singing special Christmas songs, of hearing the Christmas story as told in Scripture, and of lighting candles while we sang Silent Night, Holy Night. I remember and continue to experience the excitement, joy, and beauty of Christmas Eve worship.


My memories also have to do with family. Christmas Eve and sometimes Christmas Day worship with my family has always been a part of my life. Family gatherings on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day as we ate and fellowshipped around the table and opened presents were treasured times. Memories of laughter and love shared. Memories of those who are no longer with us but who brought much joy and love to our lives. Memories of the most precious gift in Jesus Christ and of the joy of giving. Memories of special gifts and sacrifices that were made.

I hope you take some time this week to remember. I hope your memories bring gratitude and joy to your heart. Some memories may be painful. If so, I pray God, who makes all things new, will bring new experiences of healing, hope, peace, joy and love.