“Since ancient times no one has heard, no ear has perceived, no eye has seen any God besides you, who acts on behalf of those who wait for him.”
As I sit at my desk on this Tuesday afternoon, I am waiting. I am waiting with anticipation for what is to come. I am waiting for the birth of our first grandchild which could happen any day now. I’m waiting as I look forward to seeing her beautiful face and holding her in my arms for the first time. She is a precious gift from God and has been made in God’s image. I look forward to the joyful moments surrounding her birth and the days and weeks after as we begin to spend time with her.
I also am waiting for my transition as a clergy from the United Methodist Church to the Global Methodist Church. I have been received as an elder in the Global Methodist Church. I am waiting for January 1, 2024 when the months of prayer, discernment, and conversations will lead to a new beginning in my service as a pastor. The waiting is filled with varying emotions including joy, excitement, and yes, some sadness.
I am thankful for my ordination in the United Methodist Church and for the 19 years of service. I am thankful for the clergy and laity I have met and served with over the years. I am thankful for the ways God has always provided and led me where I could best serve God and God’s people.
I am waiting with the people of Jones Chapel to embark on the vision God has for this church in the future. A vision that involves loving and worshiping God and witnessing boldly of the good news of Jesus Christ. I’m praying God will help Jones Chapel to revision what it means to serve Christ inside and outside the walls of the church.
There are other things I’m waiting for, but these are the ones that occupy much of my thinking right now. As I wait, I do so in hope and trust in God whose love and faithfulness never ends.
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